Behind The Scenes at Racing’s Administrators

Meet our members: Noel Fehily Syndicates
15th May 2024
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13th June 2024
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On Thursday the 30th May a group of around 90 syndicate members from many different RSA Syndicates took up the opportunity to see behind the scenes at Weatherbys who handle all the administration for British horse racing and then enjoyed an evening at Warwick races.

Thanks to the kind generosity of our hosts at Weatherbys and Warwick this was offered to syndicate members free of charge and the feedback from everyone involved was universally positive.

The day began at Weatherbys in their conference centre with a fascinating talk from Simon Cooper who outlined the history of Weatherbys and how they got their role in racing.  The attendees were interested to hear about the establishment of the stud book and the records kept for every thoroughbred that is involved in racing.

After a break for a very nice lunch provided by the Weatherbys catering team, there were opportunities for group tours of the building.  These included visits to the different operations teams and the chance to see some of the archives and libraries with bookcases full of leather bound volumes of stud book records including original handwritten notes made to record the births of foals going back into the 19th century.

The afternoon session saw talks from members of the different operations teams at Weatherbys explaining their roles and answering questions from the floor.

When the session ended mid-afternoon, most attendees drove across to Warwick races where the course had provided free admission and access to a hospitality suite overlooking the paddock.  A fun evening ensued which rounded off a brilliant day in fine style.

It was great that the RSA was able to provide this opportunity for those involved in member syndicates and everyone was in agreement that days like this are a massive addition to the ownership experience.